Soni Pelty

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Men fall in love when they give

Men want to give to a woman, but many women don't know how to receive. 

They feel discomfort when HE is doing the giving because they're much more comfortable giving than receiving. 

Being aware of these feelings is the first step to getting comfortable with receiving. 

Men fall in love when they give.

I was at a dinner last night with some of my girlfriends and the conversation came up around how women of this generation, specifically the millennials and Gen Z girls are showing up in the workforce, in corporate America as equals.They’re standing up for equality, asking for raises and promotions and showing their value. How they don’t want men to open doors for them or to pay for them. 

One of my friends said that her son is confused on how he’s supposed to show up with girls, that girls in college get offered when a guy offers to buy them a cup of coffee or offers to buy them lunch.

Ladies, so why am I sharing this with you?

Because receiving is so important when it come to love. 

What happens is when we are so caught up in trying to be equal, in trying to show up just as men and consider receiving or being feminine as weak, as a doormat or as being subservient to men, it actually harms us.

Men are naturally wired to give, to protect, to provide and when we as women don’t like it or get upset when men try to give because we consider it as weak to receive, we are confusing them. We’re training them to step out of what’s natural to them and we are retraining them to treat us as equal, that we’re capable of taking care of ourself.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for women empowerment and equality. But here’s the thing, as much as feminism has brought us power and empowerment and reminded us how we can achieve whatever we want it has not necessarily been our best friend in love.

Over emphasis on doing, achieving, and conquering has made us women so in touch with our masculine energies that we have forgotten to stay connected with our feminine power, the power of receiving.

When it comes to love and romance it’s still very old school, it’s still very old fashioned and men still thirst for women who are in their feminine space.

Feminine Energy is the most powerful attraction force that exists within every woman.

You were born with the feminine power and it’s something you just need to reconnect with and unleash. And deep down subconsciously you do crave being in touch with your feminine essence.

We are all women of an era where the messages of femininity have been mocked and equated with being a doormat, or somehow being subservient to men. This, of course, isn’t true by any means.

These are myths that are propagated by those that have an incomplete knowledge of this concept and a lack of awareness on what it truly means to be connected with this Universal energy, endowed to us women by nature.

It helps to remember that, when we’re talking about feminine energy, we are reconnecting you to that force, that already exists within you. Hence, you don’t essentially have to change yourself, but rather embrace those womanly parts and elements within you, that Universal energy has already been gifted to you.

It’s great to be seen as an equal to man and it’s great to be valued but where do we draw a line. 

When we have been trained by patriarchy that feminine is weak and we have been taught that we are equal to men, that gets ingrained in us and we just don’t show up this way professionally but we also show up this way socially and romantically. We don’t allow men to cherish us, to adore us, to give to us, we don’t allow ourself to receive from a man.

Here’s the irony though, what happens when you step out of the corporate world and you step into the romantic arena, you’re out dating and wanting to create soulmate love?

You show up wanting to give, you want to show that you can pay on dates so that exact same behaviors that may be beneficial for your success professionally you bring those behaviors in your love life and you expect success in your love life. But that’s not how men fall in love!!!

Another important thing to consider is that deep down you want men to give to you romantically, to open doors for you, to fall in love with you, and when they don’t do that you get upset. And the thought in a man’s head is “I am confused, in my experience women have gotten pissed when I wanted to open doors for them, offered to buy them coffee, buy them lunch. They have wanted to be treated equally.”

So you see how that’s contradictory to what you have taught them and men are really to confused what is it that women want?

Also attraction doesn’t build in equality, a heterosexual man can’t fall in love with another man (to him you’re another man, dressed up as a woman).

So what I’m trying to convey in my message here is that for a woman to embrace feminine energy is key. Yes masculine energy is required to go to work, to go out and date. 

Yes we do need that masculine energy, the key is the balance of energies, the elegant dance of masculine feminine energy.

The key is to understand when each serves us and to be able to identify if we’re out of balance and how to get back in alignment.

As women, we are often taught to be like men if we are to be successful.  Also, to be stronger in the masculine ways of competition, doing it all ourselves, or being in our ‘head’ all the time.

When we can allow ourselves to receive, to collaborate, and to ‘feel’ before doing, we can begin to de-stress and hear our internal guidance on what actions to take first instead of the other way around.

We can show up in romantic partnerships (and all relationships)more confident in who we are and let him be who he is – this is super important for harmony in love.  

He does not want to be with a masculine woman in the private moments of our time together. 

A woman who knows how to connect with her feminine side will naturally and effortlessly be irresistible to men, or to her husband or current partner. This is true, even for highly successful and powerful women.

I run a heart-centered, successful business that helps powerful women find and keep love, and yet I am a mother and also a wife to a man who adores me and supports me in every way.

Learning how to balance my highly developed, ambitious masculine side with the softness and receptive energy of femininity has been the game-changer for me. 

This is why I feel so passionate about bringing forward this message to other strong and successful women, who are struggling in dating and relationships and somehow feel they have to give up on their career success or play small in order to attract or keep a good man in their life.

You don’t have to give up on your dreams. You don’t have to play small. You just have to learn how to reconnect with your feminine energy.

High quality men are by nature designed to be instinctively drawn towards a woman who is exuding femininity and confidence. And when I say confidence, I don’t necessarily mean a loud, boisterous, boastful confidence that many of us strong and educated women have mastered in our boardrooms and meetings. It doesn’t mean to be a bitch or to force your opinion, to be demanding or a “not take any crap from anyone” kind of attitude.

Feminine confidence can be subtle and discreet. It’s an inner sense of worth and light that a woman exudes.

It’s embracing the freedom to be you. It is deep, secure relationship you have with yourself. It is feeling incredible, whole worthy in who you are without seeking validation. It is you at your core without the blocks, barriers, conditioning, society standards and limitations.

xoxo Soni